Monday, January 1, 2007

2007 Wish List

I'm keeping my New Year's Resolutions to myself but here is my wishlist for 2007. I'm trying to not to be too greedy. But re: the following seven things. Pretty pretty pretty please.
  • Michelle's Pfeiffer's comeback. There's three movies. Let at least one of them be awesome and well received. May she be smart enough to follow them with a challenging drama for 2008 and use the momentum of 07 to win her 19-years-overdue Oscar. Damn you Jessica Tandy!
  • Paul Thomas Anderson's comeback. It's been four plus years since we saw something from this young director (Punch-Drunk Love) and even longer since he flexed his possible-heir-to-Altman ensemble skills (Boogie Nights & Magnolia). I have high hopes for There Will Be Blood
  • A movie I deeply and truly love. This year has been bereft of them. Give me another Far From Heaven, Brokeback, Moulin Rouge!, In the Mood for Love, or A History of Violence.
  • Spider-Man 3. The first two are the best superhero movies ever made. Let it be as fun, eye popping, and well constructed as the last two. Bow out on top.
  • When the year is over, let there be a reason for a cutesy titled article: How Julianne (Moore) Got Her Groove Back.
  • Sweeney Todd's transfer to film. I don't have high hopes. Tim Burton, Tim Burton's muse, Tim Burton's wife, and a bunch of other non-singers: Prove me wrong. Work shocking unlikely magic. I beg this of you. This is one of the greatest pieces of musical theater ever written. Do right by the material.
  • A year filled with film experiences worth writing and reading about.