Monday, January 8, 2007

8 & 1/2 Links

Slate have you been reading the "movie club"
Jackie Beat is telling you she hates Dreamgirls --even the costumes enrage the world's greatest drag queen (and 70s obsessive).
The Flick Filosopher (a friend of mine) trashes a movie I just praised, Curse of the Golden Flower but considering how mean I am to Blood Diamond, we're even.
The NYT movie trifecta: Scott, Dargis, and Holden announce their Oscar ballots. Some interesting choices but they reveal themselves the secret headquarters of the Eastwood mania that I was so bitchy about earlier this season. Despite a much wider range of choices in all categories than Oscar frontrunners (good for them) - Eastwood is the only director and Letter the only film that scores on all their ballots. Whaa...? And is A.O. kidding with this Oliver Stone stuff?
Gallery of the Absurd on Hollywood's hottest accessory.
The Movie Blog on Sweeney Todd casting (I guess this means no more Jim Broadbent) as well as a new Wonder Woman rumor. I've been overdoing the Buffy marathons lately and I gotta tell you: I wish Whedon would go back to TV. So few people do it as well. It's maybe fun that Buffy Season 8 will be a comic book but how about Faith the Vampire Slayer on the freaking telly. Eliza Dushku ain't busy or anything.
Nicks Flick Picks is back!!! He's revisiting The Devil Wears Prada.
Arthur & The Minimoys I'm sure by now you've read elsewhere that this is no longer eligible for the animated Oscar competition (meaning they have under the number of eligible required to justify a five-wide shortlist in the category. Every blog entry I've read on this seems sad that there'll be only three but I have to ask: If there were only 15 live action movies in any given year would you really want 33% of them nominated for Best Picture? I'd rather the category not exist and wait for another Beauty & The Beast breakthrough. I love that Miyazaki has an Oscar now but this is such a ghetto category.