Monday, January 15, 2007

Award Updates

Two quick notes for Globe revellers: ModFab is hosting a live chat starting at 7:45 PM tonight so join in. And for those who've been missing the comic stylings of Joe Reid, he and I will be doing a post-show discussion for your reading pleasure Tuesday. Check out his hilarious Globe predix. Me pal Nick also has his funny Globe thoughts up and he reminds me that Warren Beatty will be onscreen tonight which had somehow totally slipped my mind.

Woo-hoo ~You know what that means!
lots of camera time for The Bening. Wheeeeee. (I love u 2, Warren!)

Meanwhile, the 7th FiLM BiTCH Awards are finally and truly underway. Ten categories announced thus far: Picture, Director, Screenplay, Ensemble, Poster, Sexpot and four new entries just announced: Makeup and Visual Effects and Best Tagline and Adapted/Song Score. At this point Volver leads with five nominations. I'll wrap up the traditional categories before the Oscar nominations. The extras might take a smidgeon longer. Tomorrow the acting categories begin...