Saturday, January 6, 2007

Black Link Moan

popbytes was kind enough to post the Black Snake Moan poster. Whaddya think?
Being Boring I love top ten lists that feel like they're coming from actual people rather than groupthink hack critics. Not Boring at all
Deep Focus, a Cinemarati colleague, also lets top ten fly.
The Gilded Moose is scaring me.
David Thomson treats Brad Pitt like an actress. Over in his 40s? No way! [src]
ModFab has bad news about Broadway's best comedy The Little Dog Laughed. It's closing soon. Get your tickets! Especially if you love gossiping about who is gay in Hollywood.
My New Plaid Pants loses all remaining marbles over The Golden Compass. Sure does look beeyootiful but I worry about it being toothless since they've decimated it's thematics to not offend Jesusland
Oscar and the City asks the question on the collective awards-watching brain. Will the SAG supporting actress list transfer intact to Oscar? Four spots seem sown up. But that fifth... where will it go?


And speaking of Supporting Actresses --don't forget that tomorrow is another blog-a-thon. This one is hosted by Stinky Lulu and here's how to play along. And I've posted the fun promo below. The promo uses one of Sara Ramirez's (Grey's Anatomy) best moments from "Spamalot!" for which she won the TONY. The musical accompaniment to the clip is her hilarious second act ballad "Diva's Lament".

Jennifer Hudson isn't the only huge voice making it as an actress.

unnecessary addendum: I hate Grey's Anatomy as a general rule --is it because so many people I know watch and discuss it? Is it because it uses that highly annoying (at least 10 year's past its prime) cliché the "lessons learned narration framing" Or is it because Ellen Pompeo is a poor man's version of She Who Must Not Be Named? (The original is bad enough. Do not force a downgrade on us) So many reasons to hate! Yet, despite my hate I mention the show because Sara Ramirez is awesome. And if it were a Mr. Michelle Pfeiffer show instead of a whoever the hell made it show, you know Sara would've already been given a bajillion opportunities to show off her powerhouse pipes. You know how that man do. (Think Ally McBeal, Boston Public, Chicago Hope etc...)