Friday, December 12, 2008

From Stage Right Comes a Movie You Have Never Heard of Before!

Glenn from Stale Popcorn here again. Nat is temporarily caught up dealing with all sorts of crazy award season shenanigans no doubt and - kindhearted soul that he is - thought y'all wouldn't like to go completely without your daily Film Experience, er, experience and asked his guest bloggers to inject some life into Friday's blog (even though it's Saturday here - aah time zones. It's like I'm in the future sometimes.)

Isn't it funny how movies just seem to pop up without any warning whatsoever. Being an Australian and a keen observer of my country's film industry I am well versed on this phenomenon. You see, movie studios think that people rock up to cinemas with no idea of what they're going to see - especially in such times of economic struggle - and that they don't need to advertise their movies to get noticed. People will "discover them naturally" or whatever claptrap they're extolling these days.

Mark Ruffalo recently received a Satellite Award nomination for his performance in some movie called What Doesn't Kill You. Well, if the terrible title doesn't kill you then the deathly silence surrounding it's release today (Dec 12) will. Were they expecting Golden Globe nominations? Did anybody know movies called Call + Response, The Other End of the Line, Gardens of the Night (my negative review here) and Amexicano were currently in theatrical release? Neither did I. They'd get more viewers by simply going direct-to-DVD! Has anybody seen these movies? Does anybody plan on seeing these movies? They're hardly water cooler topics, are they?

On a similar track, there are times when you just have to wonder why they bothered in the first place. I recently read that they've made a movie about Dragonball Z. DRAGONBALL Z, folks! On a scale of unnecessary movies to be made in 2008 a Dragonball Z feature ranks just below a sympathetic Kerry Katona* biopic as the top candidate. Actually, scratch that. The Kerry Katona Story would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! That gives me an idea...

*I apologise to anybody who doesn't follow the British tabloids. If you don't know who Kerry Katona is then, quite frankly, you're better off. That biopic would still be hilarious though. Surely other Brit Z-grade celebrity obsessives exist out there at The Film Experience?!?!