Friday, December 5, 2008

I Want to Believe... in Contests

So, X-Files: I Want to Believe didn't exactly light up the summer box office but, given the franchises longevity, it's sure to find more of a sustainable life now that it's on DVD. Want a copy? I have four to give away so you can stare at Gillian Anderson all you want in the privacy of your own home. People have done a lot less worthwhile things in the privacy of their own homes. To enter the contest...

Send me an e-mail by Sunday night December 7th with the following information:
  1. "X"... in the subject line.
  2. Your name and mailing address in case you win (kept private, not sold)
  3. Complete the following sentence: "I want to believe _________________ " [...anything movie related you'd like to believe in will do! That's for publication right here]