Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Room With a Link

This Recording Funny piece on Baz Luhrmann's Australia as, well, a contest of vaginas (no joke)... although be warned: it's not nice to the players
Joe. My. God Milk wins the Stanley Kramer award
A Room of One's Own shares personal red carpet experiences from the European Film Awards
SciFi remember that awesome short video trying to explain everything that had happened in the first three seasons of Battlestar Galactica? It's now updated to include Season 4 before the final episodes air next month. My god that show is a rush. I will miss it when it's gone.
/Film James Gray (We Own the Night, Two Lovers) to direct Brad Pitt in The Lost City of Z
Towleroad Brokeback Mountain censored on Italian TV

Towleroad Twilight dolls. When will the madness end? And if movies are going there why can't I get like a "Kym" doll from Rachel Getting Married? I mean. WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS?
i09 Plans for the next Bond film. Not very Quantum'y says Daniel Craig
Gold Derby digs into how the voting went down with the NYFCC awards

The Big Picture investigates the AMPAS reversal of the disqualification of The Dark Knight musical score. It may now compete for an Oscar nod. Frankly, though I don't care either way (I can never make sense of the music branch's aesthetics) I don't think Hans Zimmer does himself favors here. His argument for eligibility seems to consist solely of gross generalizations (apparently composers are incapable of lying... wow is that like a nature thing or nurture ~ something learned whilst one plays with orchestras?). Plus the defensive "I'm a good guy. Why would I lie?" is just weird. While I don't doubt that he's a good guy, defending yourself with a 'why would I lie?' is being delusional about the high stakes of Oscar races. MANY people would lie for an Oscar (maybe not Zimmer but still...) and have lied or fibbed if you will about something they themselves considered trivial --and thus 'who cares?'. I mean, one only has to look at the myriad eligibility disputes over the years in, say, Best Song. Or consider the way that certain screenplays in the past have magically forgotten that they come from books or plays when the category got crowded --suddenly they were "original" visions. Let's not even start on 'I'm in every scene of the movie but I'm a supporting character... yes I am!!!' People tell fibs all the time for Oscar consideration. I guess what it comes down to is whether one thinks the rules are meaningful or not --and clearly Zimmer doesn't given that he was attacking the rules during his eligibility argument. Anyway... one thing we can all agree on through all of these "rule" arguments for Oscar each year: The Academy should be diligent about monitoring their rules and make changes if and when the rules become outdated and don't reflect the reality of modern filmmaking. OMG. Ouch. My soapbox just collapsed underneath the weight of me. I think I twisted my ankle. Ouch.

[Different opinions on this score situation can be read at Cinema Blend and In Contention]