Friday, December 19, 2008

Now Playing: Nearly Everything...

If I had more stamina I would attempt to break down all the new releases with you but given that it's now December 19th (where did the year go...?) that means the movie releasing is generally out of control. Openings aren't just on Fridays anymore. If you live in a major market you'll soon be able to see everything. This year has been very disappointing to me in that they withheld the prestige releases even more than usual. You may be asking yourself: Why does he care? He lives in NYC and he gets to see things before they open? I care because I think movies are most fun when they're communal. And my community as a OCD film blogger is y'all and the rest of the movie bloggers. I'm tired of the Oscar race being an abstraction for 95% of moviegoers... Seeing trailers is a poor way to judge performances and movies.

It's basically like Hollywood is Santa and he can only be bothered to deliver prezzies once a year. And he doesn't go down every chimney either. Only chimneys in the major markets were nice. The rest of you are naughty!

So... the holiday week is beginning. Any movie plans with your friends and family? Will you be taking in something mainstream like a Will Smith morality fable (my parents always want me to see Will Smith movies --what is that about?) or maybe a broad Jim Carrey comedy or are your family & friend's Christmas wishes more Oscar-buzz focused? Tell all.

And HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!! if you're about to travel. Posting will be a bit lighter over the next week since I'll be travelling myself and Christmas'ing but if you're around there'll still be stuff to read. Have Yourself a Merry One.