Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"My name is ___ and I was linked under unusual circumstances"

Gold Derby what to make of the Eastwood Best Actor buzz w/out SAG & Globe nods
Awards Daily Sasha has an interesting list up for best written female roles. But the Benjamin Button women? Come on now. Even if you love the movie, the writing of those women is not among its chief strengths. What is going on with Awards Daily and that movie?
Antagony & Ecstasy Tim Brayton is rapidly becoming one of my very favorite film critics. Here's his take on Benjamin Button (Sasha won't be pleased)
LA Times The "Hate Storm" around "critic" Ben Lyons

Low Resolution "New York, They Hate You"
The Daily Beast on Mickey Rourke's txt diss of Sean Penn. Told y'all he might screw this up with bad behavior months ago, didn't I? I didn't want to be right
Slate a really insightful piece on Tom Cruise's unique place in Hollywood and Reaganism. Good stuff
TFE more interesting top tens. If you've read a 'year in review' you're particularly wowed by, please point to it in the comments
...by Ken Levine here's another convert to the cult of Paul Rudd
Fabulon "for no particular reason..." oh, planet fab'. You make me LOL so...