Thursday, December 18, 2008

"come with me if you want to link"

Poster Wire an animated poster for Terminator: Salvation. oh god please let this marketing technique take off. We loves it
Awards Daily "a tale of two Nixons" -damn, I wish I'd thought of that
The Big Picture The Wrestler takes a hit from the LA Times. Right in time for Oscar season. Ouch, that'll sting
ONTD Seventeen describes the sexual appeal of Robert Pattison. Dear god he's like a Frankenstein monster of celebs
Modern Tonic has a Best of TV 2008 list...
Are You There, Blog? Carrie Fisher hawking her new book. She's so damn funny

Deadline Hollywood Luhrmann to take on The Great Gatsby next. Damn but Baz likes a challenge. That thing (brilliant) has to be considered unfilmable, right?
The Carpetbagger alerts us to the annual Oscar short films showing
Multiple Personality Cruise visits Letterman "they have this thing called the internet and they have these things called blogs"
Towleroad Seann William Scott photos from Balls Out. That boy (thankfully) has no shame
The Bad and Ugly ...speaking of shameless, Halle Berry going topless again (pics from the set of Frankie and Alice)
Boy Culture Matthew celebrates his 40th in swanky style... Yes, I was there (my illustration is the last one on the page. That is such a great party memorabilia idea. I'm totally going to steal it)

And finally... Heroine Content takes issue with Empire's "100 Greatest Movie Characters" list. There's a lot to take issue with. It's 88% male, 93% white. So annoying. Guess who's not on the list? Margo Channing from All About Eve. Severine from Belle Du Jour. Mrs. Iselin from The Manchurian Candidate. Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire. Martha from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Bree from Klute. F***ing Annie Hall. Yeesh... and that's just the seven that popped into my head without looking at any list of movies. Most of the women chosen were from genre or "guy" movies (Aliens, Star Wars, The Professional, Silence of the Lambs, ...Roger Rabbit) The canons are always being rewritten but they always get rewritten in the same old ways.