Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Saint Clint of Hollywood

<-- I'm rebooting a graphic I used exactly two years ago because there's been virtually no break in the chain of Clint Eastwood puff pieces and puff nominations. Today the New York Times gives Clint a hand for his latest Gran Torino which opens this weekend. This is my favorite bit:
Much attention will be paid to Eastwood, who may finally stand a real chance of being recognized for his work as an actor, as well as director.
I really wish the Times had bolded the "finally"-- please highlight the absurdity editors! Yes, poor Clint --always left out of industry honors. So little attention has been paid! It's like people can barely remember his name when it comes time to fill out year-end ballots. As for his acting never being recognized: does no one realize that he regularly makes top 100 movie stars of all time lists. (I repeat: Top 100. All Time. That's quite an achievement) Does no one understand that two acting Oscar nominations and multiple trophies from Oscar and other groups (3 more honors this morning from the BFCA) for other achievements is more than most stars ever get? --more than several stars combined? Are so few people really unable to admit that equally talented directors and much more talented composers are never as lauded / rewarded for their efforts precisely because they lack his incredible fame and the cumulative public goodwill that comes from being an enduring icon of the screen?

Clint-Mania no longer makes me crazy for its overblown qualities. You probably don't believe that but tis true. I've accepted it. But, no, the craziness now comes from its sheer relentlessness, not its size. Clint's 2009/10 Oscar move -- I'm sorry movie -- will be a Nelson Mandela picture starring Morgan Freeman. Ka-Ching! The Gran Torino/Changeling double is not the last chance to honor him. Clint currently has 4 Oscars which means he's tied for 25th place for most Oscars ever. Most of the top 24 are behind the scenes people (composers, costume designers, art directors, producers) and a few other multi-hyphenates like Clint.

More power to Mr. Eastwood for working so hard well into his 70s (would that other lauded old-timers would pick up the pace a little *cough Warren Beatty cough*) but I sincerely wish he could be treated as his peers are: some attention paid when they make particularly good or resonant films, a pass when they don't. A hour after typing up this post I received this message from "txt critic" whom I've quoted here before. He's wordier than usual post Gran Torino screening
it's bad. clint eastwood's "crash"
a nomination would be ridiculous but he'll get one and a win would be insanity
he fucking GROWLS for half the movie. and i don't mean that as a euphemism
he literally growls like a dog when he doesnt like something.

themes are underlined, sentimentality is to insane levels
it's as if every character was like hilary swank's family in M$B, no level of subtlety or characters acting like actual human beings
Ouch! Clint must have told 'txt critic' to Get Off His Lawn.
[for LOTS more on this year's Oscar race... chase the Oscars (08) label below]