Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Need an Agent

My fame [*snort*] to income ratio is just not working for me. I am totally willing to sell out for cash. The movies are my first love but since I lost my B job to cut backs two months back --the one that subsidized my writing -- I'll do anything. I'll write about any topic for bank except maybe How-To manuals involving weapon construction or slaughterhouse techniques. Otherwise, it's all good. I'll even write for a soap opera or a right wing fantasy show like 24. I'd pen a Tolkein-sized book extolling the virtues of Ms. Hilary Swank if someone advanced enough cash. If you like this can-do attitude and you have made other whores writers successful, you can send resumes or inquiries to filmexperience (at) gmail (dot) com.

While I'm asking for help I'd also love to enjoy the services of a personal trainer, a massage therapist, a dentist, a pet psychic, a sales agent and a PR firm, so long as they're willing to defer their salaries until the aforementioned agent is found.