Friday, March 14, 2008

Jamie Bell is 22

Happy Birthday!

Will someone please hurry up and put him in some great movies? Or on stage? While the rest of the blogosphere anxiously awaits Harry Potter nude on Broadway in Equus I say "no thanks" given that Jamie was oncerumored to be the one coming to the boards here and he's a better actor and it's a real play... it's not just a vehicle to titillate. In fact: not sexy at all, that play. I weep for what could have been with a really strong thespian involved.

In the meantime, I'll have to fast forward through the Hayden Christensen parts of Jumper (most of the movie I guess --perhaps it'll be a cool short film once i'm done with it) on DVD eventually to watch Jamie work his screen stuff. They keep threatening to release the interesting looking Hallam Foe (retitled Mister Foe for us dummies in America --we apparently don't like weird names), in which Jamie has the title role but given the frequent date shifts they're doing it stealth like.