Thursday, July 10, 2008

Amanda and friends @ the Beach

Amanda Seyfried (22, so pretty ~ I've entered a pretty trance ~ p r e t t y p r e t t y) ... and some other girls* walk along the beach for Vanity Fair

* Oh, don't take offense "other girls". It's just that I only have eyes for Amanda. And Anne and Kirsten and Lauren and Amy and Evan and Scarlett and... Amanda's photographic BFFs (they probably just met) would be Emma Roberts (17, Julia's niece and Nancy Drew), Blake Lively (20, of Gossip Girls) and scary Kristen Stewart (18, of Panic Room, Into the Wild, Jumper). What? She scares me. She just exudes need onscreen... whether it's the need to jump Emile Hirsch's bones or just the vague need for an undefinable something. I feel as if she might reach out of the screen and just >cling<>some gaping need' desperation kinda freaked me out in Jumper (previous post) and I think she was onscreen for about 16 seconds all told. s-c-a-r-y.

I get sick of hearing about Gossip Girls but I like Blake a little more upon hearing that her three favorite movies are Wizard of Oz, Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet. The girls are posing for Vanity Fair's annual Teen Hollywood issue. Which I had kind of forgotten about and which is vaguely distracting from my Vanity Fair retrospectives of plain ole' "Vanity Fair's Teen Hollywood". (Another one of those coming your way very soon)

You can see all eight of the photo spreads here... or, you know, buy the magazines. There are things called stores and they sell photos that you can touch on this stuff called "paper" it's really... well, it's something! I included this photo of Jonah Hill (Superbad, left) with Rachael Taylor (Transformers) and Amber Heard (Friday Night Lights) because it made me giggle in how well it illustrates that Hollywood top fetish 'schlub gets the hot chicks!'. Jonah can be hilarious but try to imagine this photo with Nikki Blonsky. It just wouldn't happen.

Now you can see rare celebrity portraits of larger women surrounded by hot men (I remember one of Rosie O'Donnell back in the day) and I'm sure there've been a few others but it's always portrayed as a kitschy gag and the men are of the nameless shirtless model variety. They'd never drape two of Nikki Blonsky's male peers over her. They just wouldn't. [insert Joan Cusack Addams Family Values voice here] "But what about Debbie's Nikki's needs?"

I've doctored a photo for you just to demonstrate the improbability.