Wednesday, July 30, 2008

They Want to Suck

... "your blood" I should probably add before you go thinking that Lost Boys: The Tribe is one of those straight-to-DVD offerings that, well, sucks. I can't vouch for quality or lack thereof as I haven't seen it. But ... you know how I feel about the vampires...

[tilts head, exposes porcelain-skinned neck]

CONTEST: I have one DVD copy to give away and 3 soundtracks. If you've got a thing for vamps or The Lost Boys or even Corey Feldman (you might want to keep that last one to yourself), enter the contest by sending me an e-mail with
  • LOSTBOYS in the subject line
  • your name and address (t'will be kept private)
  • and tell me one thing you cherish or remember about the 1987 teen classic which started this whole franchise.
The film stars a bunch of people you haven't heard of but Tad Hilgenbrink (right) might look familiar from the gay film The Curiousity of Chance. He also put that jawline to use mocking James Marsden's 'Cyclops' in Epic Movie --not that I saw it! Dear God give me some benefit of the doubt.

The contest winner (drawn randomly) will win both film & CD and two runners up will get just the CD featuring tracks from Aiden, Yeah Whatever and Dave Gahan (!) among others.