Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You Link Up My Life

Welcome to LA thinks Woody Allen ought to be getting Clint Eastwood sized plaudits for his career resurgence
<--- MNPP asks if Jan Hooks' "Tina, the Alamo Tour Guide" is the greatest cameo of all time. I didn't even think this was up for debate. The answer is cleary yes. For a thousand different reasons. All of which I will explain to you right now...
Twitch My Neighbor Totoro inspired charity. Help them if you can
Some Came Running funny (if negative) notes on Mamma Mia!
Daily GreenCine looks at the "monumental" pan-Asian epic Red Cliff

Pop Matters Matt Mazur on Pfeiffer as a pfeminist and I Could Never Be Your Woman
Empire They're going to have to retitle the musical Nine to like Sixteen. The list of household names in the cast just keeps growing.
Hola México a new film festival @ NYC's Quad Theater starting next week. Some strong features here including cinephile favorite and Oscar submission Silent Night and two features my World Cinema jury gave awards to at the recent Indianapolis International Film Festival (the comedy It's Better if Gabriela Doesn't Die pictured right and the sibling drama Burn the Bridges which took our Best Actress award)
Defamer a chink in The Dark Knight's armor. I love this "first negative review" phenomenon of Rotten Tomatoes. It cracks me up. It usually results in hate mail, panic and a mix of disbelief, conservativism and scapegoating (omg... someone isn't towing the line. They'll disrupt the fragile pop culture ecosystem and WE'LL. ALL. DIE) ... it can be viewed in miniature at this very website or others when the author isn't completely consensus. The angry cries of "your opinion has no credibility [unspoken part] because *GASP* ... you have your own. [/unspoken part]
Stop it!"
Gallery of the Absurd
a shrine for the Brangeloonies. I fear that I may be one!