Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Liev & Naomi @ the Beach

<--- Naomi Watts, 39 and her beau Liev Schreiber, 40, at Bondi Beach with their son Sasha in March, 2008 [img src]

If I ever made it to Australia I'd definitely need to go to Bondi Beach. So many beautiful Aussie celebs seem to have strolled alongside it or swum in it. I love that Liev is sporting Wolverine style sideburns and jacked up musculature here just like Wolvie himself Hugh Jackman (also an Aussie beach regular). The probable reason for the twinner look: He'll be costarring as the villainous Sabretooth to Jackman's hero next year when X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) opens. Archenemies have often been distorted fun house mirror reflections of superheroes since at least the Bizarro/Superman days in the late 50s, though it was possibly Batman and his rogues gallery that made that shtick stick if you know what I mean.

On a side note: I am terrified that they're calling the movie X-Men Origins which implies that there may well be more than one of them. I think I can get several enthusiastic hallelujahs straight away when I say that the world does not need another Halle Berry superhero movie. How Hollyweird ever thought she was right for a second franchise after the mess she made of Storm in her first, I shan't ever understand ?!?!? But that's a topic for another day. Another day from four years ago. Argh. MOVING ON...

time capsule: In March 2008 The Painted Veil (2006) had been on DVD for 10 months already. And yet you still hadn't rented it! What's wrong with you? "Kitty Fane" is Watts' strongest most Oscar worthy role this side of Mulholland Dr. Liev is also good in this underrated film though his role is smaller than his biceps above.