Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Random Visitor

Do you remember where you saw every movie? For some reason the location of my screenings rarely escapes me. I have favorite screens, convenient locations that aren't necessarily the best theaters, places I avoid if it can be helped at all, and theaters that I just never think to go.

In the latter group is Clearview's single screen 62nd & Broadway theater. So when I saw The Visitor (finally) there yesterday, I kept thinking that I hadn't been there since I saw Transamerica. Which naturally leads to the following question: Would Professor Walter Vale (Richard Jenkins) have been as welcoming finding a nervous depressed tranvestite squatter in his abandoned apartment as he was upon finding two gorgeous polite illegal immigrants?

In both cases I attended the movie due to Oscar buzz for the lead turn. The difference is that I thought Transamerica was a histrionic mess and The Visitor was an involving subtle success --lead performances included. So if you believe in coincidence or that the universe revolves around me (Why is this implausible? Shut up) this might mean that Richard Jenkins is heading for a Best Actor for sure (like Felicity) or he isn't because I liked his performance about as much as I disliked hers. And we all know Oscar loves histrionic more than subtle.

Do you remember where you see movies? What are your feelings on Richard Jenkins chances in the Best Actor category? They're ready to campaign.