Saturday, July 26, 2008


Coming Soon liveblogs Terminator: Salvation panel @ Comic Con
<-- Golden Fiddle Aaron Eckhart fun facts and scans
Odd bit here. Sports pundit wants The Dark Knight's Aaron Eckhart campaigned for an Oscar and not Heath Ledger.
Just Jared Is Rosie getting a primetime variety show? Television hasn't had a true hit variety show in way too long. If all things are cyclical it's time for those to be popular again.
Anne Thompson more on True Blood the new HBO vampire series
Twitch it's official: Darren Aronofsky doing a Robocop picture. How very odd. Is there a part for Ellen Burstyn?
NY Post Hollywood beauties Tyrone Power and Robert Taylor on DVD

today's must read
Electronic Cerebectomy "Get F***ing Over It" I seriously love it when smart people get impatient with the world's stupidity. I love it love it love it. Everyone should let one of these loose now and again.