Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Biggest Linker

MTV Movies Will Cronenberg ever return to horror?
Guardian Michelle Pfeiffer talks about her career, her lack of a game plan and Chéri
Movie Marketing
on the different challenges for Wolverine and Star Trek as they gear up to open
[title] of show has a helpful eligibility chart for the TONYs. If your awards addiction extends to the stage, you'll love studying this. [thx]
The Big Picture on why there's no iTunes for movies. Hollywood needs to figure this out pronto methinks. At one of the panels I attended at NaFF they were really concerned about piracy and pointed to the decline of the recording industry. Didn't the recording industry decline precisely because they waited so long to catch up with demand and refused to supply (online that is)?

NYT did you read this piece last weekend on the expanding waistlines of male stars? They got dinged for it in several places online this week but I think it's kind of interesting... if only for the reaction it provoked. I love this astute comment from annanikita on Vulture's piece.
Vincent D'Onofrio, on L&O: Criminal Intent. How much weight has this guy put on in recent years -- 50, 60? Not a peep about it. (Think co-star Kathryn Erbe would still be employed if she put on that kind of tonnage?
So true. But the other thing I love is all the excuse-making the media does for male stars like Russell Crowe, implying he got heavier specifically for those "portly" characters. Er, no. He just got heavier. It isn't like Crowe has been making Raging Bulls lately, you know? His current characters don't need to be heavy, narratively speaking.

But then there's this photo going around of Crowe all slimmed down for Robin Hood (2010). The NY Post thinks it's photoshopped. If it's not faked, I must ask: why the exact same hairdo / facial hair as he had in Gladiator? Perhaps they're hoping the look is a good luck charm? If it is faked, will anyone call them on it when real photos emerge. We have memories like goldfish.

I'm obsessed with this topic right now because I'm gaining weight by the day at this festival. The food is yummy and I'm either watching movies or writing. These things don't burn calories. At least not the way I do them.

Time to work it off by dancing! And Your Little Blog, Too has crafted this dancers a go-go video for you musical lovers. Yay.
