Friday, April 24, 2009

Early Halloween Planning?

Alexa here again from Pop Elegantiarum. My thoughts today have turned to all things costumey; Halloween can't come soon enough! So in honor of Nathaniel's love of Nicole, I decided to try and find the best Nicole costume items out there. While it is sold out, I love this Lady Ashley hairpiece over at Fascinating Creations so much, I may just beg her to create another for me. All the better to imagine kissing Hugh in the rain. Now if I could only summon the sewing skill of Molly Ringwald in Pretty In Pink, perhaps I could recreate the dress in that scene too... shopping for these picks just isn't the same somehow.

But really, nothing tops this Moulin Rouge gown over at Deconstructress's etsy shop. Just wearing this, my 5'4" frame would morph into a lithe 5'10" Satine, no? Now I just have to come up with the $700...a bit tough in this economy. Maybe I can find my own evil Duke to invest in my makeover? I have six months, after all.