Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nashville Sans Nashville

Nashville Film Festival ~ Opening Night
I'm off to the kick off film (500 Days of Summer) and party (...Party). But first, I must share an ultra specific horror with y'all. I've already talked to three people today at festival headquarters who looked blankly away when I mentioned Robert Altman's Nashville (and this wasn't because I forgot my toothbrush since my hotel took care of that, bless). How can this be? One filmmaker casually responded like so "I haven't seen that one" the way one might casually mention one had never tried Ethiopian cuisine or bungee jumped. Admitted it without shame, he did! Stop whatever you're doing out there if you share this debilitating problem. "Add to Queue". "Move to Top of Queue" . You know what to do. Nashville celebrates its 35th anniversary next year so I will surely be moved to discuss. You have time to watch it twice or thrice before then. Here, I'll help you.

You'll thank me.