Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't Set The Alarm, You Guys

JA from MNPP here, with a look at five people who should probably sleep in tomorrow when the Oscar nominations are announced.

Beyonce, for snarling and snapping her neck in Obsessed

Either of these two blocks of wood, New Moon

Anne Hathaway, Bride Wars - I love ya Annie, but you have to be reminded like when you rub a dog's nose in its business when it does its business on the floor. Bride Wars is bad business on the floor, girl.

Eli Roth, Inglourious Basterds - He'll probably give the speech for who ever wins an award for Basterds anyway since that's been the routine this season - and I like looking at him so I haven't much minded - but I think it's safe to assume his name's not getting engraved on any acting statues any time this year. On my bedpost, that's another matter. (Call me, Eli!)

But hey, y'all can probably expect a call when they're looking for presenters, so chin up! You can awkwardly read the teleprompter in much the way you delivered your lines on-screen, and that'll be a treat for us all. Especially me, since I will be drunk, and laughing at you.

And in related news, the Razzie nominations are here.