Monday, February 1, 2010

Oscar Predictions ~ Final

My life just isn't cooperating with timely prediction-making this past month.

Here are the final predictions for tomorrow morning's nominations. In the end I just went with worst case scenario for the final Best Picture slot... the one I could easily see going to about 7 different movies. I figured it was between Nine more typically Oscarable than its competitors... even if everyone decided they hated it after the initial rounds of precursors supported it. (If everyone really hates it, who exactly was voting for it initially? It's a serious question. And my presumption is that not everyone hates it), District 9 (doing very well in the guilds but totally abnormal as a BP pick), Crazy Heart (which doesn't feel big enough but which definitely has some momentum), The Hangover (which has defied odds thus far), The White Ribbon (remember when foreign films used to become Best Picture contenders?) and I settled on The Blind Side (shudder) and this way I'll either be OK because I prepared for the worst or be happy that it didn't make the cut.

I shall already warn y'all that I'll be fairly late writing things up tomorrow. But we have plenty of time to hash it all out over the next month. No rush.