Friday, January 18, 2008

27 Dresses Movies

Opening today... (click on titles for trailers)
______Plus: Movies To Watch During Oscar Season

Get yer annual fix of Woody Allen with Cassandra's Dream But wait a minute! This was moved back from December 2007 which means we've had a true rupture in the space time continuum. The rule is that there's a Woody Allen movie for every calendar year. And now 2007 doesn't have one! As in soooo many movie cases you can blame the Weinsteins. Don't they know the rule? And this might mean that 2008 has two Woodys. On account of that Barcelona picture being in post-production already. It's all so discombulating.

Meanwhile, that vagina dentata horror comedy Teeth is the other major mini opening. Also opening in either LA or NY (or both): Day Zero and Taxi to the Dark Side

Cloverfield -I haven't been following the successful PR hype machine that is this monster movie (I'm too busy with Oscar season) but most bloggers have. My New Plaid Pants has it well covered so I don't need to.
Mad Money is opening because Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah and Mrs. Tom Cruise III don't have enough money yet. I haven't seen their bank statements but it feels like a safe guess.
27 Dresses could become the second romantic comedy blockbuster for Katharine "Izzy" Heigl. I haven't seen it yet but I will on account of one James Marsden, he of the granite sculpted cheekbones and devilish face consuming grin.

I F . Y O U .. D O N ' T .. W A N T .. T O . S E E .. T H O S E . . . .
You still have to catch up on this year's Oscar movies...
Rather than bitch at you for not seeing the movies that Hollywood prevents you from seeing anyway (damn those stingy distribution patterns), I hereby present to you 27 dresses dvds that will help you understand this year's Oscar competition --links take you to their Netflix page so you can add them to your queue. None are actually in this year's race. I'm presenting them without explanation. The sleuths among you can debate why they appear (some will be obvious) and why they'll help you understand and/or survive the February 2008 Oscars.

Happy movie watching!