Thursday, January 17, 2008

Best Actor 2007, Mine

Since I always complete my FB Nominations (in traditional categories) before the Oscar nominations are announced I'm running out of time. It's going to be a busy busy busy weekend at the film experience --final Oscar nom predictions are coming on Sunday, too.

Mainstream media normally goes crazy in adulation for the the leading men each year while my heart almost invariably beats for the actresses who get less attention for their craft than for "who" they wear on the red carpet. But man oh man (literally) did the men turn it up this year, performance wise. Eight leading turns completely deserved shortlisting in 2007 but there were only five spots to fill. It's an odd and imperfect thing about awardage. A "runner up" in one year, might have been a medalist in another with less competition. There will be finalists... and semi-finalists.

And yours? Which five men led you forcefully through this film year? Do share in the comments.