Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lead Actress, Mine

I had hoped to stretch out my awardage (for blog fodder purposes) a little longer but we're nearing the wire of Oscar nomination morning and everything must be stated, preference wise --pssst, final Oscar nomination predictions tomorrow. But that's different than preferences, you know.

In my shortlist two women grapple with immaturity, one with the enemy in her bed, and two face off with the demons in their own head. The Lovely Laura Linney doubles dips (sort of --well, if I allowed for that she would... but I don't just like Oscar).

Speaking of double dipping: Everyone's favorite director of photography Roger Deakins has the Laura Linney problem over on my ballot for Best Cinematography --unlike Oscar I don't allow for doubles for the below the line people either. He's just too/two good too/two often.

Also posted: Film Editing and Original Screenplay