Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Better Get to Linking

It's no secret... I'm not much of a "new years" guy. I don't like the pressure. In most years the first few days of January make me panicky, as in 'ohmygodwhat canyoudo tomakethisyeargreat? whyarent youexercizingthis morning? youpromised tochange yourways do something----ohgod nathaniel get it together! dosomethingimportant timeiswasting! itsday2already and... whathaveyoudone? gah. Nothing' so while I attempt to work around this specific self sabotage quirk, enjoy these links...

Acidemic fascinating piece on the year of Apocalyptic Texas Cinema
In Contention Gerard Kennedy dissects the year's best film scores
Sunset Gun's top ten list
IMDB Tilda Swinton gets her polyamorous freak on
Radio Allegro has a new podcast up and it's all movies. I didn't guest this time but I'll be an enthusiastic listener
The Reeler liveblogs 699 minutes with the king of meandering greatness Paul Thomas Anderson. A worthy but surely destabilizing adventure

European Films Boyd has his top ten 2007 list up. You'll recognize some of the titles even if the movies themselves prove elusive in theaters
Joe's Movie Corner the "endings" blog-a-thon. Finis
The Rec Show, which professes a mysterious dislike of year in reviews, gives a shout out to Cyndi Lauper for a live music highlight from last year. Everybody I ever have known who's had the pleasure to see her live knows she's wondrous. It continues to be one of the top ten mysteries of my entertainment watching life that she's never had a mainstream comeback.