Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Dark Knight's First Five Minutes?

Heath Ledger's body language is so... unsettling in its wrongness. It's as if he's got scoliosis of the soul. Ick (in a good way)

This is apparently not new but intermittently new as in. Shows up. Gets pulled. Shows up again. People freak like it's new each time. I haven't seen the movie yet so it's still new to me...

[tangent] although I totally have this theory that if you get all teaser and trailer and released clips from any excessively hyped movie you can actually edit together a short film approximation of the whole experience. Especially if the main trailer is of the 'give the entire movie away' school of marketing.

To whit, have you seen the Death Race trailer? I watched it out of curiousity as to why the great Joan Allen was slumming. But the trailer actually gives you everything: characters, plot set up, action setpieces, central plot twist reveal and even the hero (Jason Statham) figuring it all out and seeking his real triumph in addition to the expected triumph. It gives you everything. I would say "who the hell would pay to see it after they saw it?" but I've learned by now that the public likes to know the plot twists ahead of time. sigh. [/tangent]