Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Message Movie Madness

In this week's episode of Best Pictures From The Outside in, hosted over @ Nick's Flick Picks we're discussing 'The Message Movie' since the pair of Best Picture winners that came up from either end of Oscar's timeline were All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) and Crash (2005).

Oscar's Best Picture battlefields are strewn with the corpses of great movies. Singin' in the Rain and Manhattan weren't even nominated for the top prize. Citizen Kane, Apocalypse Now, Bonnie and Clyde all lost the Oscars they were up for. So did...

something else...

...the name escapes me right now.

Here's my mantra which you've heard it before: Great movies are their own rewards. Who needs Oscar? Great movies last forever. The giants of the cinema keep on giving year after year, decade after decade. Great movies are like a lighthearted frolic in the river when you've been fighting on the frontlines for weeks like these soldiers here in All Quiet (pictured right) and you can't remember what it's like to be clean. Great movies are like a heavenly loaf of bread and a big kielbasa when your stomach is as empty as your soul is starting to feel.

Great movies are forever. Some of them win Oscars. Some of them don't. Next!
