Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Robert here.

75 years ago today John Dillinger was shot dead. And it seems like just as long since Public Enemies has been in the headlines. The Summer movie season giveth and the Summer movie season taketh away.... and fast!

Personally I thought the movie suffered from being far too short. I know it was almost two and a half hours, but it was two and a half hours of plot, plot, plot, plot. A few scenes of character development could have given all that plot some context. It would have been nice to have felt something when Dillinger was killed or understand why exactly he and Billie were in love (as my fiancee said, "he's cool and she's pretty... what more do you need to know?").

At the time of Public Enemies' release, we were all a-buzz with the news of Oscar's 10 Best Picture expansion and the film's middling to mixed reviews hardly seemed like they could derail it. But now that the movie is already a distant memory, are its Oscar chances as dead as Dillinger?