Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Half Blood Prince (Vodcast Review)

Katey and I braved the outdoors (I'm not a summer person) for a change of vodcast pace. So here we are blathering on about Hogwarts Episode VI: The Search for the Horcrux more commonly known as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Katey prefers the books to the movies and I'm not a particular convert either way -- I've read books 1,2,6 and 7 -- but have learned to love like the movies along the way once The Prisoner of Azkaban erased my memories of the first two.

I stopped by the movie theater on my way home tonight to see about tickets for a friend a few days from now. The electronic signage just had the word "out" blinking by every Harry Potter showing (the "sold" is silent, apparently). Can it beat Transformers 2? Likely not, given the Potter franchise hi$tory at the box office.