Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Uma the Nun

UMA Alert!

I've been dismayed that Uma Thurman's post Kill Bill renaissance turned out to only be in my head. Vol I begat Vol II and not much else. The Life Before Her Eyes was a mess, Prime didn't catch on and the comedies... let's not talk about the comedies. But 2010 should be interesting for Umaphiles with three possible releases. She's got roles in two high profile kids features: Medusa in Percy Jackson, the nanny in Eloise in Paris. The third and most potentially thwartable as production and release plans go (it's not a big studio beast) is Girl Soldier, based on the novel Stolen Angels (pictured left) about human trafficking in Uganda.

Variety reports that Uma will star in the true story as Sister Caroline who tracked down armed rebels who'd stolen schoolchildren and demanded their release. Cinematical replaces "tracked" the rebels with "hunted" the rebels which makes it sound like The Bride is going to whip out her Hattori Hanzo in the forests and marshes of Uganda. I assume her actions as a nun are of the peaceful crusade variety.

And her actions as an actress of the Oscar crusade variety.

I'm joking but socially conscious true star crusading is hardly a gold statue repellent. And it sure would be nice to see Uma in the race again. She's only been nominated once and given a few of the indelible characters she's helped to create... that hardly seems right. Here's a semi-random sampling of Uma through the years

If I controlled the world she'd have three Oscar nominations (Henry & June, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. I ) and a win (Kill Bill)