Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Programming Note

Real life beckons. Yes, that means I've run out of every dollar that formerly allowed me the precariously constructed (#creditcarddoom) delusion that I can live off of writing and blogging. I must return to less creative but more lucrative endeavors. Today's meager posts are pre-written but things will slow down a bit hereafter and I'll have to come up with a writing schedule that functions with a semi traditional work life. I'm trying to be zen about it though inside I am a little teary. This definitely means the final half of "Streep at 60" (which I had trouble getting to anyway) will be streeeettttched ouuuutttt. So consider this just a Streep dotted summer and I'll get to the movies when I get to them. Hopefully we can wrap up by the time the Julia Child movie arrives.

Guest Blogging: If you're a talented fun writer and would like to add your film experience compatible voice, whether for a weekly thing (I love Adam's "Signatures" series and I'd like him to be less lonely as a guest columnist. I'm in particular need of someone with a passion for DVD releases) and/or to be in the reserve list for guest-blogger hijinxs when I take the occasional week off, we can discuss privately.