Friday, July 10, 2009

Brad Pitt's "Basterd". Uma's "Bride" Could Take 'Em.

<-- A new (uninspiring) Inglourious Basterds poster for Brad Pitt. He's standing on a pile of dead bodies. Like Katey says, "subtle". My first thought upon seeing it was that The Bride never felt it necessary to pose atop the bodies of the crazy '88s. Oh, sure she claimed that the body parts belonged to her but she didn't actually keep them. She travelled light. And note: she didn't even have a long range weapon like a machine gun to kill off those enemy hordes. In short, Uma Thurman is more of a badass than Brad Pitt.

It would be misleading to suggest that Quentin Tarantino's current sadism is "new". His films have always had blood and body counts. I haven't seen Basterds yet, I do wonder if the sadism hasn't been consistently increasing. Think about Death Proof's carnage, Basterds entire plot, Kill Bill's massacre and death list... compare and contrast to Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown. The early films were deadly, sure, but weren't the characterizations and dialogue the raison d'etre of the films rather than their bloodshed?

When the multiple character posters thing first started taking off, I loved it. I even wished we could have them for movies gone by. Now I'm starting to feel like it's all overkill. Is today's overhyped movie culture a direct result of how early and how often the marketing department is getting involved these days, or am I just an impatient person? I'm willing to concede that it might be the latter but I'm guessing it's a combination of the two. Do you get impatient after a couple of promotional months?

I'm left feeling about Basterds, like I was feeling for Brüno. Stop teasing me already and just open the damn movie.

What's that? Brüno is open?! BYE. I'm off to the movies. I was about to photoshop Brüno posing atop the bodies of vanquished famous homophobes but stopped myself. Perhaps I should see the movie first before implicitly endorsing it as anti-homophobic? As movie|line notes, everyone's got an opinion here on what / who is being mocked and who will have a right to claim the most offense.