Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Nerdy Potter"

My friend Ed sent me this photo (I added the "nerd") that he snapped from his TV. He tells me the segment was called "Nerdy Potter".

At first I was mortified to hear I was on the news buying Harry Potter tickets (This purchase was for a friend --damn you Daniel!) but then it made me laugh. Of all people to show while talking about Potter fandom, I am probably not the right guy. I think the books are fun but messy, repetitive and overwritten and the movies are only C- to B+ affairs (depending on who is behind the camera). Couldn't I have been on TV walking out of The Hurt Locker or a Tilda Swinton movie or something?

Oh right, cinema isn't considered news. Sports is. I've never understood that.

My serious face here was directly related to insuring that my dollars purchased the biggest screen going. That's how I pick show times. I saw the camera man standing there but thought he was just setting up. I didn't sign any release form!