Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ryan Reynolds & Scarlett Johansson Sure Must Love Comic Books

Finally I can stop doctoring photos to produce various actors as Green Lantern. Ryan Reynolds won the coveted Green Lantern role for summer 2011's big superhero pic, so this faux poster to your left is my last. (whew) I assume he's playing "Hal Jordan", the silver age Green Lantern, though many have donned the emerald ring. But the casting of a 'star' defeats the angle on this movie that would've worked best... GLC. Green Lantern Corps. Hallo?!

Press coverage seems to indicate that the finalists were Bradley Cooper, Jared Leto and Justin Timberlake (?!?). I feel a little bit bad for Jared Leto in particular right about now since his career is so off the rails and a superhero franchise might have been just the thing for bringing a bit of normalcy back in to balance out all the rock star posing and erratic acting career. Plus he's already played a "Jordan" and it might've been fun to mentally flash over to Angela Chase's besotted gaze whenever anybody called his name in the new movie. To Angela Chase, Jordan Catalano was a superhero, you know.

The film will supposedly* be directed by franchise-friendly Martin Campbell who has two James Bonds, two Zorros and two Edge of Darkness (TV series and now a film) under his belt already. He's not averse to double duty so if* the film opens or when it opens in 2011 expect a 'Martin Campbell signed for Green Lantern 2' announcement.

Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds have been married for 9½ months now. In that short time the cartoonishly-perfect specimens ("boobs & abs") have gone completely gaga for comic book movies. Since they've been married The Spirit and X-Men Origins: Wolverine have opened in theaters and they've signed for Deadpool, Green Lantern and Iron Man 2 (where Scarlett will play The Black Widow). At this rate they're going to name their first child "Stan Lee" or "Diana Prince". Useless trivia: Both Ryan and Scarlett are the youngest (well, unless you count Scarlett's twin) of multiple siblings and they might adopt. Stay tuned.

*With superhero movies, especially with DC heroes, you shouldn't truly bank on it until the actor is in the latex and standing in front of a green screen. Ryan Reynolds was also supposed to play The Flash (the movie never started filming) and he's also supposed to reprise his X-Men Origins: Wolverine role as Deadpool in a spinoff. I suspect that that movie won't happen either.