Thursday, July 9, 2009

Half Breed Prince

Nobody noticed my tweet on the way to a Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince screening yesterday. I thought I'd get a parade of "I'm so jealous" remarks but I must have obscured the 'I'm about to watch it' message with the corny joke that I hoped Cher would record a theme song
half bloo-oood, that's all i ever heard

half bloo-oood, how i learned to hate the word

that half blood's Potion Book was no good they warned

Hermione was against it since the day it was found*
*I realize that 'found' does not rhyme with 'warned' but Cher can warp any vowels until they rhyme. She's magic. Just think of found as 'foo•wrrr•n'd'.

Of course we're not allowed to talk about the movie just yet -- not that that's stopping 99.7% of critics from posting their reviews. So this will suffice: if you loved the other movies, you'll love this one, too. If they're hit and miss for you, this one will be too. That's my useless you-knew-that-already early review! I'd personally rank the movies like so but, again, I'm not a Potterhead.
  1. Prisoner of Azakaban and/or Order of the Phoenix
  2. Half Blood Prince
  3. Goblet of Fire
  4. Sorceror's Stone
  5. Chamber of Secrets
Alan Rickman continues to be a standout as Snape --->

The first two are the only ones that felt like full movies to me while watching them (i.e. stand alone enjoyments, requiring less reading of the books or watching of the other movies to fill in blanks), the third being a fine "this week on Harry Potter" episode the fourth being a pretty good episode and the 5th and 6th being... Oh hell, let's not talk about the first two. They're supposed to be magical but they're just so mugglical instead (cinematically speaking you understand. I'm aware that they're filled to overflowing with spells and wands and potions and such). I can't even talk about Chris Columbus right now. I'm so mad. Yes, I also saw I Love You, Beth Cooper this week and, no, I don't know why I did that either.

As you noticed in the "Stweep" posts, I love skimming the twitterverse to see random movie reactions. That not-actually-time-consuming past time is suddenly less pleasurable. Now if you type in the name of a current movie, just to see what peeps are saying, you mostly get an endless series of "watch this movie free online!" links. Piracy is bad but, more importantly, SPAM IS BORING. It takes so little time for spam to destroy the joy of any particular social networking site. Now I just have to get sneakier about what I type into search engines and I have to eschew full movie titles. Here's a few Potter tweets to go.

As someone who spends too much time on the internet, mockzallad's dilemma amuses.

Oh and Jim Broadbent is terrific as Slughorn. Such a reliable thesp, that one.

franklinveaux is right. Aside from Dumbledore, it seems to me like every adult in the books and movies -- at least for the first handful of books -- always makes the wrong assumptions and decisions to give the books conflict and to prove that Harry & friends are always right. It makes it easy to follow and plays as wish fulfillment for the bajillions of young readers/watchers. I'm less sure why millions of adults respond to the 'kids are smart, adults are dim' plots, though. Curious.
Are you excited for the movie? If so, which part?