Monday, March 8, 2010

Gold Dust-Off

Adam of Club Silencio with a few after-Oscar thoughts...

  • Mo'Nique rightfully wins Best Supporting Actress and preciously says, "First, I would like to thank the Academy for showing that it can be about the performance and not the politics." Mo'Nique doesn't advertise, but she has been officially branded with Oprah's seal of approval, and prefers to be called "Tyler Perry's Mo'Nique."
  • Each one of us is "a brain, an athlete, and a basket case. A princess and a criminal..." Someone help me decide which was which during that John Hughes tribute.
  • The cast of Twilight: New Moon reminds us that the horror genre never gets any respect. Their presentation of said montage is horrifyingly valid proof of that. Included in the clip: Edward Scissorhands (because he resembles someone you'll get at Super Cuts?), Leprechaun (because he's taller than most actors), and The Texas Chainsaw Masscare: The Next Generation (because Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey still managed careers after such drivel, up to and including more drivel).

  • Sandra Bullock's Best Actress win is unexpectedly and harmoniously balanced by her Razzie win for Worst Actress. Her grace and good humor certainly did soften the blow to our collective Blind Side.
  • Sandy Powell wins Best Costume Design for The Young Victoria and wants you to know that you were wrong in even nominating her for dressing Monarchs. Contemporary fashion is where it's at, she says. And besides, she already has two Oscars. Poor, poor Sandy. After tonight she goes back to the dredges of period costuming, and wallowing in the inevitable winning of even more Academy Awards.
  • Music by Prudence wins Best Documentary Short. Elinor Burkett reminds co-creator Roger Ross Williams that one only has a short time to get to the heart of a subject. Thus she proceeds to heartlessly cut him off and fill the entire time.

  • Kathyrn Bigelow becomes the first female to win Best Director! We celebrate the win because it's deserving, it's a historical triumph, and there are so many cutaways to Jeremy Renner.
  • Avatar loses Best Picture. I see you, James Cameron, returning to your studio to digitally create a cast of thousands to weep just for you.