Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sigweavie (With Fangs, G-String)

Remember when I told you about that dinner party when Amy Heckerling told me she wanted Michelle Pfeiffer for Vamps? Either Heckerling didn't get her or things changed or we don't know much about the fanged girls in New York plot.

It's apparently Sigourney Weaver who is on board as a vampire queen "Ciccerus" in Heckerling's new comedy with Alicia Silverstone (reuniting with her Clueless guide) and Krysten Ritter in the lead roles. Weaver is aces in genre pieces (The Alien franchise) and in comedies (Working Girl, The TV Set) and she's also adept at doing both at once (Ghostbusters, Galaxy Quest) so it's probably a smart choice.

Still, I wish La Pfeiff had Sigweavie's work ethic. The 51 year-old blond goddess has no future projects in the works whereas the 60 year-old amazon brunette has several projects lined up post Avatar including a handful of movies and one TV project. The TV project G-String Mother sounds great. We've seen a million tv, film and stage adaptations of Gypsy... but this particular Gypsy Rose Lee story isn't about the early vaudeville days leading to stripping but about the stripper quitting in the 50s and then continuing to shill her own legend (which caused those million tv, film and stage adaptations). I see winged Emmy in her future.

A lot of actors get plentiful work after appearing in a blockbuster (the wishful-thinking being that all the money magnetism will transfer even if the actor-in-question wasn't the lead) but in Weaver's case, you can't even blame Avatar for the steady simmer of her career. The actress hasn't stopped working since her film debut in Annie Hall (1977).