Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Night in Review: Julianne and Michelle = My Mind, Blown.

I've received so many tweets and emails and texts about the Best Actor presentation that I figured I should acknowledge it first here. Yes, Julianne Moore and Michelle Pfeiffer, my two favorite actresses... simultaneously. And introducing my gold and silver medalists for best actor no less!

Squeal: Realizing they were both there.
"I Don't Even Know Where To Look!": As they walked and stood side by side on my favorite stage for my favorite holiday of the year.

Okay okay, I was looking at Pfeiffer (she's less visible, you know. It's a rare sighting like the Yeti or the Lochness Monster or a satisfying Best Actress outcome*) but I couldn't have been happier. And much love to all of you who thought of me and sent notes when this happened. I'm so not worthy to be thought of when La Pfeiffer emerges but I appreciate the sentiment.

*sorry Sandra ...but I couldn't resist.

Oscars in Review: worst & weirdest moments, most wonderful moments and all 09/10 awards season posts