Monday, March 22, 2010

RCL: Nordic Gods, Evil Faeries, Singing Angels

Red Carpet Lineup: each monday a random batch of movie peeps. Who is Where and Why? And What (are they wearing)?

from left to right: Anna Friel hit the Trousdale nightclub. Shouldn't she be looking for work instead of partying? Or is the floral print a reminder that Pushing Daisies is over and she's employable again? Next up for Anna is the crime drama London Boulevard from Oscar-winning screenwriter turned director William Monahan (The Departed). She'll be playing Colin Farrell's sister. Keira Knightley has the lead female role as a reclusive actress; We don't really think of Alanis Morrissette as a movie person but remember when she played God and sang the great "Uninvited" for that crap American remake of Wings of Desire? She's back to acting this year in two indies. I like her. Flavors of Entanglement didn't break any new ground for her as a recording artist but it was still a good listen. I was actually thinking about her during that scene in The Proposal where Sandra Bullock accidentally fell on top of Ryan Reynolds naked. It's true and, no, I don't know what's wrong with me; Pierce Brosnan remains steadily employed post-007 though I've never fully understood his career. I'll never be rid him because he has a weird habit of collecting my favorite women as co-stars. Julianne, Meryl, Madonna, The Bening, SJP, what's next... Michelle?;

Cate Blanchett took her husband and son (pictured left. I think this is the eldest Dashiell?) to the big Generation One event in Australia. Sounds like a worthy outing.

I'm normally grossed out by how obsessed the public is with tots who won the pre-existence lottery and were born to super wealthy famous people. The media always wants to know what these kids are wearing and whatnot and it's so weird. That said, I found myself curious to know what Junior Blanchett is reading here. The book looks very dogeared. Whatever it is, he's totally enjoying it if he's bringing it with him to functions and what not. I even tried blowing the picture up to see what book it was but I can't figure it out. I hope it's not something predictable like Harry Potter. I hope it's like The Sound and the Fury or the complete works of Proust or something. Because if you've sprung from Cate's loins, you'd best aim high. The world is yours.

from left to right: Sarah Jessica Parker wore this black thing to the Showest awards. It's like an ice skating outfit as interpreted by an evil fairy. She was pushing Sex & The City 2 (66 days and counting). I've always loved that SJP began to ascend playing a nerd and ended up the epitome of New York chic but, that said, lately her wardrobe hasn't been working I don't think; Is it weird that I'm still bummed that Alexander Skarsgård (walking 'round West Hollywood here) didn't get the Thor role... when I don't even care about Thor? But he's Nordic and godlike and he doesn't even look silly with long hair and he's 6'4"... what more did they want? He has two movies coming up so cross your fingers that a film career does take. Meanwhile it's only 83 days until True Blood returns; Madonna (out to dinner in NYC wearing a faux alligator coat) is prepping her second feature as a director called W.E. It's the true story of King Edward VIII (as yet uncast) who abdicated his throne for a divorcee (Vera Farmiga). Abbie Cornish has also signed on in an unknown role.

Dakota Fanning, like SJP, wore a glittery fairy dress this week (to another premiere for The Runaways). It looks so dainty. Maybe she's decided she wants to remind people she's only 16 after sexing it up in The Runaways?

<--- Neither of this week's fairy dress looks were quite right so after a brief making-it-work consultation with Tim, I've made some minor construction adjustments to the left here for both of the girlie stars. I fear that Nina, Michael and Heidi will think I went too costumey and I'll be asked to clean up my workspace.

Uh, it's going to be a long week. Bear with me.