Monday, March 15, 2010

Podcast: Post-Oscar Season 2 Finale

For the final podcast, the original gang is back together: Nick, Joe, Katey and yours truly, Nathaniel. We'll be back soon for a new season but this time we close out the film year with the final discussion of Oscar's 2009/10 hoedown throwdown. You can download the podcast through Mediafire or Rapidshare. We're quite gabby this time (72 minutes) so bear with us as we pick apart the Oscar ceremony in our usual train-of-thought manner. Among the topics:
  • Neil Patrick Harris's opening number. Did it really happen?
  • George Clooney escape from his famous attractiveness
  • Secret love for Hope Floats
  • Smug and sour bitches
  • Up in the Air's shutout and Jason Reitman's Oscar future
  • Barbra Streisand's diva shit
  • Can loving Gabourey Sidibe be wrong when it feels so right?
  • Avatar in 20 years. Did the Academy dodge a bullet?
  • Shouldn't all of the acting presentations have been famous duos rather than current co-stars (like Pfeiffer & Bridges)?
  • Hidden satirical messages
  • Nick's competing Precious allegiances
  • Navigating the difficult post-Oscar period
Once you're done listening, continue the conversation right here. Are you glad "the ten" is booked for at least three years?

Previous Oscar Night Reviews:
Fashion | Party Fashions | Tribeca Review | Best Moments | Worst Moments | Lingering Questions | Lingering (Gay) Questions | Hug it Out With Jeremy Renner | 'The Money Shot'