Monday, March 15, 2010

"She's so evil... and she's only in high school!"

JA from MNPP here. Do you ever have a moment in time where you can't seem to escape a specific actor or actress? Where, whatever you watch within a short span of time, there they are, popping up unexpectedly, over and over again, their face up in your face, everywhere, everywhere? I am having one of those moments.

Hi there, Judy Greer. How are you doing? Oh that's right, I know exactly how you're doing because you won't leave me alone! There you are on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia as Fatty McGoo, there you are when I'm flipping through the channels, dancing the Thriller dance with Jennifer Garner, morphing into a really horrible CG werewolf hanging from the rafters with Christina Ricci, participating in an ill-advised drinking contest against Lucille Bluth.

And then today I see this headline over at Cinematical, finally breaking this camel's back: "Is Judy Greer Finally Getting Her Due?" Yes! Her due is gotten! It's gotten all over my face! Good gravy.

In all seriousness I love Judy Greer, and I hope she keeps haunting the edges of the frames of every single thing ever made for awhile. She's one of the great comedic supporting character actresses out there. She's just been cast in Alexander Payne's new film The Descendants opposite George Clooney - hence that Cinematical post - so I think it's a safe bet she'll be around for a bit.

What's your favorite Judy Greer role so far?
Mine might just have to be the immortal Fern/Vylette...