Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bardem Schmardem. Celia Weston!!!!

I thought about calling this post "I am Me" but conjuring unwelcome Ashlee Simpson thoughts is not what I'm about. Yet I am, no matter the circumstances or environment, always who I am. Last night I saw No Country For Old Men a second time with frequent partner in crime Susan P and The Boyfriend. Afterwards: cocktails and num-nums with cast and crew of the movie and a couple hundred other industry and media types. The Coens were there including Frances McDormand (younger and prettier in person), Kelly Macdonald, David Strathairn, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin. Who am I most excited to see in this room? Who do I make a beeline for in the overcrowded space? Celia Weston. She's not even in the movie. But I have this incurable actress problem...

Celia, all humble and --I'm guessing here-- not accustomed to wild eyed groupies approaching her, actually attempted to tell me her name after I expressed my admiration. Um... 'I know who you are!' I say with duh! amusement. We talked about Far From Heaven and Junebug, I told her about my "Actress of the Aughts" list on The Film Experience and how high she placed. 'I don't even have a computer Nathaniel' she says. Oh, Celia

Later in the night Josh Brolin called Susan and I geeks (lovingly I assure you. The topic: Grindhouse) but nobody called me an actressexual -- maybe because I made up the word. But that is who I am. The movie is great. Javier Bardem is still sexier than you can possibly imagine in person. The food was delicious. Whatever. I met Celia Weston!