Friday, November 30, 2007

Twelve Thoughts I Had Whilst Watching Enchanted

01 Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams
02 (opening animated scene) Prince Edward: "Tomorrow we'll be married!" LOL 4realz
03 ohmygod could Amy be any cuter when she collapses into her ginormous white gown beside the homeless man? Her body language is aces in this movie --isn't this mimicry as impressive as anything Cate Blanchett can cook up for the Dylans or Hepburns. I'm just sayin'

04 "Happy Working Song" --ewwww and also: hee. And can the song be over now? 2007 just became the year of the gross but still kinda sweet rodents (see also: Ratatouille
05 (later in Central Park) Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz. And these are the best songs they could come up with. Seriously now...
06 Adams is really committed to this part but why the hell are people expecting an Oscar nomination? I can't see a precedent. Maybe Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins but that was up for everything and Enchanted is not as good as its central performance. It's not gonna happen.
07 The repeated joke about Giselle making her own dresses: priceless
08 "116th and Broadway!!!" Hee. Can James Marsden be in every movie next year? Please. Please. Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. [prev post]

09 I'm bored
10 Amy Adams looks (real) good in purple but why when she's finally in modern garb is everyone else dressed like they're in Andalasia? This movie is messy
11 Susan Sarandon isn't very good at heightened/stylized acting. Love her (in general) but maybe they oughta have nabbed Miranda Richardson? SigWeavey? La Pfeiffer?
12 [the finale] What just happened. What the hell is going on? Wait, did the chipmunk actually rescue the damsel man in distress? The princess doesn't get to stab the dragon? This movie is stupid.

Enchanted the movie: C+ Amy Adams & James Marsden: A-