Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday Top Ten Tantrum

I'm not playing today. You can't make me! 10 things I'm doing instead of writing the top ten...

01 Giggling to myself about Beowulf
02 Eating an apple
03 Wishing someone could do "performance capture" on me. If Ray Winstone can go from this... (left) to this (right) why can't I? Where is Robert Zemeckis when I need him.

04 Cancelling my DVR subscriptions to Bionic Woman and Heroes
05 Bitching to the Boyfriend about how dramatically inert Heroes is and how much it continually promises not to be. Hate it

<--- 06 Petting the kitty
07 Staring at a bill I don't want to open
08 Laughing at Jennifer Coolidge on Nip/Tuck
09 Knowing that I really have to do laundry tomorrow
10 Wishing it were Wednesday so I could be watching Pushing Daisies

Just cuz I won't play Tues Top Ten doesn't mean you can't. Share whatever top ten you'd like in the comments. Or maybe the top ten lists you'd most like to see... What ten things are you doing right now?