Monday, November 26, 2007

Laura Linkey

Must See
Deadline Hollywood "Speechless #11" with Laura Linney. Another video in support of the writers strike. This is laugh out loud funny. Question: Is The Lovely Laura Linney trying to transform us all into subservient loveslaves for 2007...I ask cuz it's totally working. I already sent this to Nick who replied "Is she not totally better in this clip than, like, all of the Best Actress nominees from '05?" to which I must reply in the affirmative. Hilarious.

More Linnkey
In the Company of Glenn grapples with that mysterious hotel room sequence in No Country for Old Men [there be spoilers]
the Moviegoer Roger Deakins on "the boys" (i.e. the Coen Bros)
Boy Culture investigates the NY Times "Movies Rock" segment and predicts an Oscar nom for Travolta in Hairspray
Derfwad Manor confesses to having secret boyfriends ... and she's got (mostly) good taste. But props for managing to give it up for The Bening along the way

music break

current this isn't really current but it's so sci-fi I was mesmerized. "Björk has one", it figures
Arjan Writes about Pink's "Dear Mr. President" -Pink is so underappreciated

one last thing
Are you as sick as I am of waiting around for Atonement to open? Release that damn thing already -- Give me Joe guiding Keira & James... now.