Hate George Lucas.
Perhaps it's because George Lucas also has the Star Wars baggage, more of which comes out this week (and don't ask about Jabba the Hutt's gay uncle... seriously). Perhaps it's because he's already talking about a possible fifth Indiana Jones movie. While I personally don't approve of this, the obsessive compulsive in me kinda does, if for no reason than to have something to support this fourth film, which now is leeched onto the rest of the trilogy, 20 years removed (it's just unsettlingly unsymmetrical).
Anyways here are some suggestions for a title for George Lucas's fifth Indy film:
Indiana Jones and the Bad Case of Osteoporosis
Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Clones
Indiana Jones and the CGI Critters
Indiana Jones and the Small Personal Movies I'm Going to Start Making
Indiana Jones and the Attack of the CGI Critter Clones
Indy and Chewie Celebrate Life Day: A Family Adventure for the Whole Family
Midi-Chlorians and Nuclear 'Fridge Rides: The Story of George Lucas' Genius
(that last one would be a documentary)