Monday, August 25, 2008

"Because of the Wonderful Things It Does"

(because, because, because, because, because)

Sixty-nine years ago (August 25th, 1939 to be exact) The Wizard of Oz opened in movie theaters. It's since become one of the most justly beloved movies of all time and deeply embedded in our culture. Everyone knows it by heart even, I sometimes suspect, people who haven't actually sat down to watch it. Its turns of phrases are part of the vernacular. Its minor characters are instantly identifiable and loveable, too. Gah, it's so so ... wonderful.

I've enthused about the movie before --surely you know about my love of all things Judy G and my childhood crush on the Tin Man and that I know every word of its score by heart -- so I thought I'd turn this one over to my guest bloggers. What do they love most about this American cinematic touchstone?

Whitney from Dear Jesus: The Tin Man was by far my favorite character. I don't know if my five-year-old self related to him and his heartless, shapeless tin can body or what, but I spent a month of my childhood pretending I was him. Everyone had to call me "Tin Man" or I would not answer. I made my little sister pretend to be Todo and together we roamed the neighborhood... doing what, I don't know. Things that tin men and terriers do.

JA from My New Plaid Pants: All day long I've been thinking about the Flying Monkeys little jackets. Where do they come from? Does the Wicked Witch of the West have a sweatshop in the castle basement? Does she outsource to one of the other lands? Maybe they're cast-off Munchkin uniforms? Or do the Flying Monkeys have to make and maintain them? You'd think they'd have to be laundered an awful lot, with all the Scarecrow-shreddings, dog-nappings and other assorted Flying Monkey duties. Plus... they're monkeys. Not the cleanest beasts in the world. Yet they always look impeccable. Those monkeys are dedicated to putting forth their best appearance at all times. If I were the Wicked Witch of the West, I'd be suspicious. Who knows if they might be all dressed up because they're sneaking off on job interviews whenever she sends them out on another ridiculous excursion? Fetch me some ice cream from the corner store, she demands. I'll show her; I hear they're hiring in MunchkinLand, the monkeys whisper defiantly in return.

Jonathan from Cinema Styles: There are so many things to love about The Wizard of Oz it's no wonder it has remained a must see for children for almost 70 years. I think my favorite part of the whole movie is the acting. Everyone seems to have a different style and yet it all works together. The two that stick out for me are Bert Lahr and Frank Morgan. They're in full-tilt Vaudeville mode throughout, modern film technology be damned.

But of the two Frank Morgan is the one that consistently amazes. He has more roles in the film than anyone else and brings a smile to my face every time he's on the screen. But my favorite moment with him comes at the entrance of the Emerald City. Straight out of the Vaudeville gag book Dorothy and friends ring the bell only to be asked, "Who rang that bell?!?" by an exasperated Frank Morgan who goes on to ask didn't they see the sign - which isn't there - only to then explain that the bell's broken before putting out the sign that says so. Stupid? Yeah, definitely. Vaudeville? Sure. Funny? Every time. Frank Morgan. As far as that movie goes, he really is the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Readers: Click your heels three times and tell us why The Wizard of Oz is home to you. What parts of it do you love the most?